...and here's the answer to last week's contest question:
Q: Can you identify the source of the front endpapers pattern in The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist? (hint: the answer lies somewhere within the book)
A: The pattern is from a shirt that you can see hanging in the closet, in the background of a photo of Clowes's studio on p. 18 of the book.
Thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to our winners. Prize envelopes will be sent out shortly:
1. Mariel De La Garza from Los Angeles, CA
2. Pat Jensen from Saint Cloud, MN
3. Andy Gabrysiak from Livonia, MI
Brought to you by danielclowes.com - Please stay tuned for more chances to be involved with more useless crap.
Brad Mackay recently wrote a review on The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist and in the responses thread this question came up:
"Can anyone tell me what that is on the front inside cover? That fingerprint-looking pattern thing. Is is it just some sort of pattern or the backing of some sort of art product or something like that?"
Instead of answering the question we've decided to turn it into another contest and ask everyone:
Can you identify the source of the front endpapers pattern in The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist? (hint: the answer lies somewhere within the book)
details & prize:
The first 3 entries to correctly answer this question (if there are 3) will receive an autographed OMCA Modern Cartoonist Exhibition brochure autographed by Daniel Clowes as well as 2 Mister Jones pins and maybe some other crap. Please send entries along with your mailing address to info@danielclowes.com
The contest winners and the answer will be announced here on danielclowes.com in about a week.
Please help spread the word that this contest is up by 'sharing' on Facebook and 'RTing' on Twitter. Thanks!